Author Your Life
A Women’s Urban Retreat
Downtown Vancouver, BC – Saturday, October 5, 2019
The Author Your Life Urban Retreat is an event to elevate women and your leadership at work, in your business or community. You will be supported with the tools, practices and coaching to:
Personal Development
- Crystalize your vision and purpose
- Craft your next stage commitments and goals with authenticity and power
- Clear up anything that is standing in the way of your full self-expression as a leader
Professional Development
- Develop yourself as an authentic and powerful communicator and presenter;
- Super-charge your relationships, performance and effectiveness
- Get coaching and support to live into the next chapter of your leadership
Launch the Next Chapter of Your Leadership.
The Author Your Life Urban Retreat is a transformational weekend for women entrepreneurs, leaders and professionals to elevate your contributions and leadership in the workplace and launch the next stage of your career, leadership or business with authenticity, power, love and freedom.
Discover/reaffirm your purpose and north star
Surface your values, commitments and super powers
Increase your capacity to create and live a life you love
Get connected and build new relationships that can help you thrive
Have some fun
Clarity & Purpose
Clarify your vision and purpose
Appreciation & Power
Surface your values, commitments and super powers
Communication & Presentation
Communicate authentically and present powerfully
Launch & Leadership
Launch the next chapter of your leadership into the world
Event Details
During this day-long event you’ll be taken on a journey to author your leadership with purpose, power and possibility. Access the tools, practices, coaching and a community of like-minded, powerful and inspired women to own your power, and craft a story that liberates the next chapter of your life, career, leadership or business.
Beginning with an optional Kundalini Yoga session, we’ll guide you through a series of immersive workshops to:
- Discover anything that limits your leadership,
- Craft a vision that liberates and lights you up
- Step into your next chapter leadership with authenticity, power, love and freedom.
Date and Time:
A weekend retreat taking place on Saturday, October 5, 2019, from 10:00 am – 7:00 pm with optional Yoga from 8:30 – 9:30 am
We’ve priced the event to be affordable for anyone. Buy your tickets before August 10th @11:30 pm and pay $149.00 (25% savings).
Retreat Overview
Chapter One: Explore Your Lifeline
Surface the stories that limit and liberate your leadership.
Chapter Two: Summon Your Super Powers
Explore your unique gifts and contributions and re-write any areas of your story that limits your leadership.
Chapter Three: Outline Your Power Path
Articulate your why and outline your vision fulfilled
Chapter Four: Exercise Your Leadership
Get coaching on how to communicate powerfully and whole-heartedly as you move ahead with your vision
Chapter Five: Present with Power
Practice presenting yourself and your story with purpose, passion and power.
Chapter Six: Activate Your Next Level Leadership
Develop a clear plan of action, identify your high impact priorities, access a reliable system for follow through and a community of accountability.
About the Organizers
The Thrive Hive is a collective of powerful, dedicated and dynamic women committed to facilitating greatness in others. This event could not happen without their incredible contributions.
Your Facilitators & Event Team
Andrea Alkalay
Andrea is passionate about people, and loves to encourage and inspire those around her towards creating healthy workplaces.
elan Bailey
For 10 years, I lived my passion for people and culture development off the side of my desk. When I got laid off from my corporate job in July 2018, I decided to take another look at what was really holding me back…
Ingrid Timmermans
Employee development and coaching are my passions! I am dedicated to teach others how to thrive by doing what they love to do.
My greatest strength is helping others find solutions and build strategies to reach highest capacity.
Laura Sukorokoff
My aim, coming out of business school, was to take the marketing world by storm. However, my first “real” job had other plans for me, and I found myself designing and delivering training to employees…
Orsolya Torokne Bus
Orsolya is committed to inspiring people to achieve a healthier and happier life through a Kundalini Yoga practice.
Rachel Halldorson
During my finance undergrad, I was involved in putting on networking and social events.
I quickly realized that it was necessary to exude “male” characteristics – such as competitiveness and overpowering group conversations, which I loathed…
Sweta Rajan
Five years ago I was let go from the best job I’d ever had. I knew my career as a scientist had also come to a close. There I was in my mid-thirties with no idea of what I wanted to do with the rest of my life…
Tiffany Elsener
I’ve touched 7 continents, experienced 30+ countries, worked abroad in 5 countries and learned lessons that come from continually pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.
Vanessa Luu
Late in 2017, I had a plan to host an event that would connect a small group of people for deep conversations on social impact, corporate culture, and purpose. 14 people signed up and not one person showed.
I was in fight or flight mode – maybe this job isn’t for me, maybe I’m not meant to do this, maybe I’m not good enough…
Our Sponsors
The Author Your Life Urban Retreat is also made possible by the support of our sponsors:
UpLevel People Partners
A professional service agency that designs, facilitates and coaches programs to grow your people and strengthen your culture.
Women in Tech Regatta
An unconference gathering to connect women in tech to mentors, peers and resources. Now hosted in Seattle, Vancouver and Amsterdam
Start Leading A Life You Love Today!
- Access practical coaching to own your power and launch your business or passion project
Craft a powerful narrative to share on your cover letter, LinkedIn and other media platforms
Practice a powerful communication approach that strengthens your relationships and improves your effectiveness
- Clarify your commitments, measurable results and action plans
Polish your presentation with a live, supportive audience and get feedback
Develop a network of allies and champions to support your journey
- Bonus: Receive a 3 month coaching and accountability structure to keep you on track in fulfilling on your commitments